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Do not forget to do good and to share with others... - Hebr. 13:16a

Therefore go and make disciples... - Matt. 28:19a


Our student ministry at Clemson University trains our students to become disciplemakers, that is, people who not only can share their faith and help new believers grow, but who can train other students do the same. This ministry approach does not lead to large groups of students attending a weekly event, but instead has as its goal true multiplication of small groups.

Jesus modeled discipleship by taking a small group of people and training them to follow Christ, share the good news with others, and "make disciples" themselves. In other words, he taught them to multiply themselves. After persecution hit the newborn church in Acts 8, the church scattered from Jerusalem to areas throughout Judea and Samaria, and the local groups began to multiply themselves, eventually spreading throuhout the world. It is this kind of discipleship and multiplication we seek to experience at Clemson University, Tri County Tech, Southern Weslyan University, and other local campuses. 


Periodically, we go to disadvantaged neighborhoods close to our church building and knock on the doors of our neighbors. We bring something with us to give to them (school supplies, fruit, flowers, etc.) and ask if we can pray for them. Some of the neighbors welcome us in and allow us into their lives.

To those who are open, we share about Christ, what He has done, and how to receive Him. By going out in small teams, we help everyone learn how to become more comfortable in sharing their faith. We also offer times apart from these outreaches to equip people in how to share their faith.

It is hard to know who receives the greater blessing, the residents or us!


Although we believe that God equips some believers with the spiritual gift of evangelism, we also believe that all believers should live a lifestyle that is others-focused and finds opportunities to share the reason for the hope that is within them. Towards this end, we encourage and equip our attenders to share their faith. We also provide opportunities to connect believers with unbelieving friends and family with other believers such as monthly game nights that meet at the church.


The pastors and staff also are happy to meet one-on-one or in small groups with those who want to become more comfortable with sharing their faith and living lives that have regular opportunities to share the gospel.


At Clemson Community Church we believe that everyone should be involved not just in coming to church but in sharing their faith with unbelievers and helping other believers grow deeper in their walk with Christ. 

We understand that the thought of doing these things is scary to many people, and it is very countercultural in this day and age. But we see it clearly modeled and taught throughout the New Testament. We desire to see parents raising up their children to be mature believers who themselves can raise up children to be mature in Christ. We desire to see new believers not just grow on Sunday mornings but in relationships with other members of the church throughout the week. We desire to help believers become comfortable in talking about Christ to anyone they meet, competent in leading small groups, and effective at helping believers grow in one-on-one conversations. 

Ultimately, we desire to be used by God in a multiplicative way to help fulfill the Great Commission. In Jesus we know we can do these things, for He said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matt. 28:18-20)

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